Sunday, October 23, 2011

BP #5

Word : Manslaughter

Manslaughter:   1250–1300; Middle Englishfrom O.E. mannslæht (Anglian), mannslieht (W.Saxon), from man (q.v.) + slæht, slieht "act of killing." 

Word Formation: this word is a blend of two words  ("man" and "slaughter")

Morphemes: Man               Slaughter
                 (Stem)            (Stem)
                 free/lexical       free/lexical


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

BP # 4

Social Networking such as "FaceBook" has completely changed the way of communication and the language. One can express an emotion by just typing " :) " meaning happy.  The one who reads will have no difficulty understanding what the person meant. Other abbreviations such as "brb"- be right back, "ttyl"-talk to you later  and the most used word would be "lol" laugh out loud. 

I think FB is a great platform for people to meet other people from a place that one did not even know exists  but the norm of using the abbreviations and the kind of language used on this site makes us wonder if it is good for the youths. I think it gives a bad example of unimportance of language  and grammer in our society.  The spread of the Internet and other technologies definitely creates a larger need for English knowledge but the problem it creates is the quality of the language.